First Name
Last Name
What do you want to get from your coaching session?
Do you have any concerns about coaching? What are some obstacles you foresee happening?
How can I coach you most effectively? Tell me how you operate on a weekly basis.
What are some of your energy drains? What do you do that gives you energy?
What is your greatest source of physical pain? What seems to trigger it? What relieves it?
What do you do to take care of yourself? Alone time, music, reading, etc.) What do you wish you did more of?
What activities do you enjoy? Do you have any hobbies or special interests? How do you "do you?"
How does body image impact your self-esteem? What triggers your inner criticism? What can you see that is good and positive about your body?
Describe a typical week of your life activity and exercise. What do you believe is your ideal amount of activity and exercise? What are your biggest challenges in achieving your ideal?
What is your diet like now? What do you know you should eat more of and what do you know you should eat less of? Why? What are your obstacles when it comes to your eating habits?
When you don't sleep well, what do you think keeps you up? When do you sleep your best?
What is the role of alcohol/substance/medication/caffeine in your life? What is the benefit you get from using them? Is there a cost, money, or otherwise?
What are some of the most relevant stresses in your life right now? How do you typically cope with stress?
Do you practice meditation or prayer? If not, are you open to it?
How often do you meet up/talk, not text, with friends? How do they support you? How do they challenge you?
What do you like most about your current relationship status? What challenges are you experiencing?
How do you show love and respect for your family? How do you know they love and respect you?
How have you changed as a person over the last year? What currently gives you a sense of purpose and meaning in life? What role does "spirituality" play in your life?
How organized is your space? How does your environment impact you?
What personal strengths do you use in your work? What challenges are you currently having? How does your work impact your life?
What is your relationship with money? How does money impact you?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me before our intake session?
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