
5 Tips for a Great Presentation
Tony Robins shares that we as humans have human needs and they are, certainty, variety, connection, contribution, growth, and significance. In daily life, you can

What if your Biggest Weakness was just a Thought?
Positive Thinking I love a great positive thought as much as the next person, daily affirmations, and aspiring quotes used to be a part of

Expectations and Demands causing you Heartache?
I was at the store and saw many men buying chocolates, flowers, and stuffed animals. As a lady that will be married 24 years on

Finding the Balance between Worth and Value
As a culture, we have gotten a little confused about the difference between worth and value in my opinion. A few things have helped me

Create the Life you Desire
Beginning with Awareness Awareness of your beliefs will allow you to create possibilities. You see value in aligning with your beliefs, creating what you desire,

Is All-or-Nothing Thinking Holding you Back?
Becoming aware of your disbelief will be challenging. It puts you in a spot where light has been shone on a belief you hold that

Why Blaming, Confusion and self-sabotaging are keeping you stuck
Once you choose to observe yourself in your unawareness it can be like driving past a car accident. You don’t want to look, in fear

Becoming Your Future Self
When you are becoming your future self, it is a journey. On this journey, you will get to decide if it is going to be

How do You See Changes?
Change is going to happen in our lives, try as we might, change is a constant cycle. Two types of change will enter our lives.

Exchange Tender Emotions for Courage
Swinging from one side to the opposite side of an emotional pendulum can be exhausting. One moment you are completely happy and the next you

Put down Your Superhero Cape and pick up Your Budha Robe
When it comes to putting other people first Co-Dependents are truly masters. I can recall doing things for others that I would have never done

We Rise to Self- Discipline from failing
Being Reactive is a sudden, knee jerk reaction that can be driven by unprocessed emotions. We see it every day in social media and the
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