One of the things I love when it comes to traveling is having time to catch up on some reading. Getting ready to board the plane to a convention, I realized I had forgotten to bring a book with me. Walking into the bookstore I passed by the new arrivals, and per usual, I gravitated toward the self-help corner. There I found a book titled The 5 Choices by Franklin Covey Co.

There are many great takeaways in this book.
The 5 Choices is a wonderful tool to help create a more productive day. I highly recommend it, especially if you are an old-time Steven Covey fan like me. Now for some reason, this little sentence stood out to me. Probably because I was looking for it, but I have to share:
“In order to be truly productive, we need to gain the habit of being conscious and intentional about everything we do.”
Amen! As I am striving to live a more conscientious life this sentence has begun to speak more truths than I could possibly describe. By doing the little things in life that you can barely see a return on each day, you choose to make intention a priority, and great things begin to emerge over time. Be patient with yourself and don’t forget to be patient with others. We are all on a journey in becoming present in the moment, intentional decisions will, over time, make your life fall into Harmony.