Do you ever question your thoughts? Have you found yourself thinking, “Why am I choosing to think this? How is it serving me?” Have you ever questioned someone else’s thoughts? Saying to yourself, “Why are they choosing to think that?”

Awareness is a very human experience. The ability that we have to self-observe our own thinking makes us unique and important for having that quality. Let’s say Your best friend calls you up and says, as she is crying hysterically, “I am a terrible mother, wife, and I can’t lose weight!”
Wow! She hit the trifecta! You ask her what happened, she tells you the whole scenario. Words are exchanged, thoughts are brought up. Then you start to tell your friend why she is a terrific mom, That she isn’t overweight, and she is a great wife to her husband, who is lucky to have a woman as wonderful as her!

Now I want to ask you, have you ever felt like the friend calling or the friend answering the call? My assumption is that you have been in both situations. I know I have. Words are exchanged and thoughts do arise. And, we find ourselves thinking, are we ever good enough?
I have some great news for you. You are never ever less than or more than as you are right now. That’s right! Whether it was 20 years past or 20 years in the future, you are still you, just in a different time. Your “worthiness,” your “good enoughness”, hasn’t increased nor does it decrease.
It just is.
How is that so? Let me draw your attention to the first thought I mentioned.

Awareness is a very human experience, the ability that we have to self-observe our own thinking makes us unique and important for having that quality.
Let me address the scenario. Free Coaching Tip ahead…
Good friends want friends to feel good. My job as your coach is to help you be aware of your thoughts so you can choose to shift your thinking or not. Either way, you are still worthy, the difference is that being actively aware of what you are thinking, instead of reacting to what you are thinking can help you shift your thoughts.
As a coach, I hold space and asked questions designed to help you see what you are thinking. If I was wearing my coach hat, on the other end of the friend call, I might ask the questions, “Why are you choosing to think those thoughts?” How would you answer? If you are wanting to dive into your thinking, click on contact Angela, to schedule a free one-hour coach call.