
We all have such Beautiful Minds
Imagine this: It is a beautiful day and you are feeling joy in your heart. You are outside riding your bike down the country road,

My Great Grandma is my Super Hero
I was about eight when I was given my first journal. I remember my parents giving all of us kids journals at a family evening

Is that a Sensation or an Emotion that I am feeling?
Many of my clients like to say, “well I just feel this way, and I don’t know why.” Let me share an observation on Emotions

Anger is an Emotion too!
Someone is laughing hysterically, and we leave the room. A friend of ours is crying and we react by saying, “this isn’t all about you!”

Are you being true to yourself? Then get ready to have people not like you.
The phrase, “All problems are interpersonal relationship problems” rang in my ears as I finished listening to The Courage to be Disliked, a book by

Are You Ready to Feel Discomfort?
Have you ever felt like leaving a room when someone is speaking to you because you don’t want to listen? Have you put a task

What is the Truth?
We don’t watch our favorite sitcom show or read a novel because of the facts that are pouring out of it. We watch and read

The journey of a Belief
Adorned in homes across the world are written words, quotes, and phrases to inspire the buyer. “Enjoy the Journey”, “Live and Let Live”, or a

A Puzzle of Ideas
I truly enjoy an old-time neighborhood seasonal puzzle. I’ve completed puzzles depicting a summer’s day on the 4th of July or the trick or treaters

You have options
As a Life coach, and one that is always working on my awareness and the words I use to communicate, I have found that the

Hitting snooze might not be best
Excuses are like snooze buttons, and if there was ever a time to stop “hitting snooze,” I would say now would be a perfect time.

You are enough
Do you ever question your thoughts? Have you found yourself thinking, “Why am I choosing to think this? How is it serving me?” Have you
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