
Listening to Others is Healing Yourself
Do you know where the old saying “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” came from? Back in the day you would bathe

Hero, Villian, or Victim, To be or Not to be That is The Question.
The Drama Triangle was first introduced by Dr. Stephen Karpman in 1961. He used the words Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer to describe characteristics that we

How Vulnerability Turns a Safe Space into a Growth Space
One’s actions and thinking are key to becoming a Leading Lady. Sometimes we can be that Leading Lady and other times we are more like

What Character are you portraying?
When I think of a leading lady, I think of a woman that shows up as cool, calm and collected. You want to be around

It’s Time to be the Leading Lady of your Life
You need to be the Leading Lady in your own story, or you are allowing others to treat you as characters in their drama. Wanting

Controlling your Spouse not Working? Try This!
When you catch yourself feeling hurt because someone didn’t do, say, or react in a way you would have liked them to, it might be

Building Walls is not the way to Create Boundaries
Boundaries are important for us to have and understand. We don’t necessarily need a lot of rules in our lives. If we build up too

Knowing your Principles will give your Priorities Purpose
I was coaching a client and gave her an assignment to write down her top 5 priorities for her next session. At the start of

You might Not Have to Jump Ship, Changing Course Could Change Everything.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them – Mathew 7 :20. It is the little things that we do consistently that add up to

Avoid, Resisting, Reacting, There are Other Ways to Face your Emotions
Actively processing your emotions with your eyes wide open can allow you to experience new insights, especially if you have never attempted to purposefully allow

Lessons to be Learned from Our Days at the Playground
“I just can’t, it’s their fault, why do I have to,” these are statements that I have said myself quite a few times, well actually

I learned so much from Winnie-the-Pooh
A classic show of my childhood was Winnie the Pooh. It wasn’t a program I remember watching regularly, but every episode I saw filled my
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